Sunday, December 4, 2011

8. If you were to describe yourself using a quotation, what would that quotation be? After you have chosen a quote, then write a bit about how it relates to you and reveals what kind of person you are.

If I could descibe myself with one quote it would be "Live, Laugh, Love". Although these may seem like simple words, their meanings are deep. When I read these words I get a sence of motivation to live my life to the fullest by following two guidelines. The first would be to laugh at your mistakes and enjoy your life. The second is to love your family, friends, and spouces because without them, you would have nothing. I would describe myself with these words because of the fact that they are so inspirational. I try my best in order to live my life to the fullest without regrets. Even though it is in a human's nature to make mistakes, I do all I can to put those mistakes behind me and carry on. In other words, laugh it off and do not spend so much time dwelling on it. Laughing is said to be the best medicine, and I agree. No matter what mood you may be in, if someone can make you laugh it brings joy to you. Love is also a very important part of life that every single human being encounters no matter what race or gender. It's an important part of life that brings happiness to all. I believe these three words descibe me in the sence that I make the best out of my life that I can.

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